
About Me
Hi, this is Ruize (Ray) Xia, a contrarian in nature. I don’t like money, and don’t care much about grades & peer competitions. Every morning, the only thing that drove me to school was the fact that new knowledge was being taught there, which was fun. In other words, when all the modules were taught and everyone began to prepare for the exams, it was not fun, and I felt pain to stay. I quit school twice since middle school. It took me four months to realize that my interests diverged significantly from those around me, and two years later, it took me another 5 months (with some dramatic stories) to figure out what my ultimate pursuit was: To help redistribute value in the world. I want the potentials to align with actual outcomes. For this particular reason, I took up investing, and became a counselor.
My approach to investing is growth-oriented with a one-year time horizon. Thanks to my indifference to money, money does not stand in the way of me becoming a better investor: it makes copy trade a futile practice to me, enabling me to accept my lack of experience and focus on value creation. Of course, I’d like to see proliferation of net assets in my portfolio, but that would be meaningless to me if such value creation comes from other’s ideas. Since young, I’ve been told that I tend to think very differently than others, and I received tons of disagreements and misunderstandings because of this – humans in nature perceive disagreements as mental attacks, as Ray Dalio said. However, the market is different. Though there’re noises in the short run, in the long-term, it functions as an emotionless weighing machine. If my variant perception proves right, I add value to my portfolio; if I’m wrong, I reflect, learn, and evolve: I’m allowed, and even encouraged, to think differently in the financial market, something I’ve been longing for in years! How can I give up this golden opportunity to grow and challenge myself for some short-term benefits which hold little value to me?!

Rika Yang
Finance Teacher
Rika assisted me substantially in initiating my investor's career. Graduated from Wharton Business School and consolidated skills in her 10+ years of career as a financial analyst and retail investor, Rika is equipped with high expertise in the realm of Finance. She not only taught me the essentials of Finance but also introduced me to other experts in fields such as Technical Analysis, DCF Valuation, and semi-conductors. None of my accomplishments would have been achieved without her.

Anton Keril
Managing Partner at ITPM
Mr. Kreil is the one who showed me the professional and sustainable way of investing in the retail trading industry. By attending IPLT and PTM courses in IPLT, my view as an investor altered completely. He shaped my investment procedures with a professional trader's framework and enabled me to become a self-starter who generates his own ideas through rigorous and professional top-down quantitative and qualitative analysis. Truly appreciate everything he's done for the retail industry.

Ray Dalio
Hedge Fund Legend
Though never met him in person, Mr. Dalio's Principles rendered me the most crucial values I need to become an investor. Embrace reality and deal with it; Pain + Reflection = Progress; the biggest threat to good decision-making is harmful emotions; these are the principles that I'll continue to implement for the rest of my life, not just as an investor in the financial market, but also in work & relationship outside of it. Reading his Principles was a crucial turning point in my life.

Brett Caughran
Founder of Fundamental Edge
Being born in a family specialized in real estate, I would have never been able to talk to talk to hedge fund analysts without Mr. Caughran’s programs. He did not only explained the hedge fund industry to me, but also taught me the professional standard equity research process currently utilized in the hedge fund, rendering me the expertise in financial modelling and researching. I incorporated his professional approaches to my own investment process, making it much more rigorous and efficient. (see Idea Generation)
My Mentors
Major Investment Trainings Completed